
Learners plan for a 3D modelled character for use in a game or animation, including:
a) genre
b) character profile
c) series of character
d) target audience

A) Genre

The game is a Platform Side-Scroller, Adventure and Survival-Horror. The horror aspect is shown through this character as they are an evil, mutated monster that tries to kill the protagonist of the game.

B) Character Profile

Name: Emmett
Age: 30
Gender: Male

Physical: The character takes the form of a werewolf; however they are completely black like a shadow apart from their eyes and marks across their body which glow red. When they are enraged, their body mutates and becomes much larger and distorted from their original form, allowing them to gain a lot more power and strength to attack the protagonist.

What makes Emmett stand out from other werewolf designs is the red marks along his body and his glowing red eyes. Using this colour enforces the emotional aspect of his character and makes villainous stance clear as red connotes blood (death) and anger suggesting he is constantly furious and enraged as the red is a part of his essence and also that he is bloodthirsty. By having the rest of him be completely black, a contrast is created between the colour which further emphasizes the red and so his anger. It also indicates he is a creature of the night as he is able to blend in with the darkness in order to sneak up on his prey.

Emotional: The character feeds off of his anger which allows it to mutate. This anger is gained when another character looks into his eyes. However, in his usual form, he is stealthy and swift in his movement, sticking to the shadows.

C) Character Visuals

D) Target Audience

The character will appeal more towards 16 – 25-year-old boys/men who are interested in wolves and werewolves and watch related content such as An American Werewolf in London, The Howling, Dog Soldiers, as well as games like Skyrim and The Wolf Among Us. They are likely to be introverted and lonely, able to relate to the lifestyle of a lone-wolf. They will also like content of a more violent nature and be quite morbid which means they will enjoy playing as the character due to the destruction they will be able to create.
